Thursday, May 28, 2020

First Draft Section of this Post

Summary: Much of the world believes organizations like Exxon rule the world, are in some conspiracy with other oil states, the CIA, and etc. We hear all kinds of conspiracy theories.

In reality, those who control oil companies are in competition with one another. They do not work with one another toward some kind of One World Future. They barely get along and share only some commercial and political interests. 

In college, I studied the history of the oil industry, so I already knew this well. But reading Getty's book reminded me of why this remains true in 2015:

Page 1 – 61      Getty spends this area of book explaining his wealth, wealth abstractly, societal view of wealth. [Note: He is so accurate here. I hear the same things over and over again from average Americans: “The rich get richer…” blah de da. 

The underlying belief is that the rich in the world all go to the same nightclubs or something. This kind of thinking is complete nonsense. 

Page 13            Very little of Getty’s wealth was actually available to him. He kept it in economy, i.e., stocks, bonds, company, other economies of world. He could not have put it all in a bank account. Also, oil exploration and processing takes decades.

Page 15            V.P. Rockefeller told Getty 86% of what U.S. spends comes from business. 1974 socialized business hardly profits. U.S. Postal Service costs the government to maintain; it's not a capitalist enterprise. Much of the wealth in a capitalist country is not being used to buy luxury goods.

Page 17            Getty says he is not saying capitalism is 100% equal, but says disproportionality is present in every system, including socialism. [Note: He is sure correct. Notice 2012 Europe. North Korea, Spain. Greece, all. – L]

Pg 19   Max Aitken, First Baron Beaverbrook says to Mr. Getty: “You know, Paul, I’ve always felt that I had a reserved seat in life.” Getty says it’s probably true, and it’s foolish for such people to be guilt-ridden about it, or always be with the larger crowd. They can’t help their positions, and keep ending up at same level, even after losses.

Pg. 25  Getty’s dad had him know, consent, that he had to start at the bottom. An oil field laborer. Of course, he read and traveled unlike his co-workers. [It is key to read. – L}

Pg. 61 “At the Oxford I knew, there was a complete academic freedom, and the student was afforded unparalleled opportunity and latitude to learn. To learn – not to be taught. That was the secret.”

Pg. 62  “…he was taught not what to think, but given guidance in learning how to use his mind.”

NOTE: Research Oxford University. Getty calls it more democratic than UC Berkeley. Oxford was not stuffy or aristocratic. Berkeley much more class oriented. Oxford was more formal, but snobbery was looked down upon. Discussing your personal wealth is bad form, or any other student’s wealth. Other kids there had far more wealth.

Pg. 67  Berlin around June/July 1913 had a ‘Chip on the shoulder’ arrogance. Military dress everywhere. Constant reference to Germany’s deserved place in sun. [NOTE: Reminds me of today’s Hamas, or Palestinian apologist.]

Below: New York City 1913

Pg. 69  Getty is out of pocket cash in Russia for a spell. [NOTE: Reminds me of my trip to Israel in 2000. – L]

Pg. 70  Getty well describes the Russia of 1935. People terrified of Stalin, his secret police. Getty figured the Nazis would not achieve victory over Russians. Getty was correct.

Vienna, like Germany at first glance, but far less harsh, Getty wrote.

Pg. 72  Bela Lugosi, Hungarian-born actor, Zha Zha Gabor, also Hungarian. 1939.

Lugosi answers Igor Stravinsky at Hollywood party of 1939 about way he’s treated.

“Terrible. The studios are not satisfied that I am a Hungarian and a genius. I must also act in their films.” He jokingly said this in Count Dracula voice [at party] as Getty was nearby, while they’re all in conversation.

Pg. 73  Getty then goes to Turkey, [which was then the Ottoman], Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan, Palestine, Arabia, Yemen… “Capital” of power. It was falling apart. Sultan Mehmed V rules. Sustained by citations of past glories. He stops in Greece. He seems to enjoy their demonstrated sculptural past far more than anything in Turkish Empire

Dec. 15, 1913 was Getty’s 21st birthday........

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